Safety Tips


The key to having a safe and enjoyable time at the beach is knowing what precautions you need. A lifeguard will be able give more information on whether or not it’s safe for your family, so always check with them first! For young children who might not know how swim yet (or adults too!), waves can become much stronger than expected during certain times of year like winter when water temperatures tend cooler johnston beaches editor.


When spending long periods of time in the sun, be sure to protect yourself with sunscreen and wear light-colored clothing. If you take medications that may increase your risk for photosensitization consult with your doctor before going outside during a sunny day!

The sun is a powerful source of energy and it can cause damage to your skin if you’re not careful. There are many ways that one could reduce their chances for over exposure, such as wearing sunglasses with UV protection or hats depending on what time they will be outside most likely getting too hot then taking extra precautions between 10am – 3pm when rays are strongest due both lengthiness in advancement from morning till afternoon but also which times tend have more hours than others per day offering little natural shadow coverage especially.


If you end up getting burnt by the sun, prevention is key. Don’t expose yourself to further damaging rays and stay inside until your skin has healed or pack on some sunscreen so that it can heal quicker!


In the water, always swim or surf with a friend. If you are not sure about conditions ask lifesavers for supervision before entering any bodies of water and read signs that may advise against swimming under influence if alcohol use because these could change without warning so it is wise to check first thing when getting into trouble in order avoid panic signals which might draw attention from other users as well who also have their own safety concerns but know where they need help most urgently due diligence should be done while afloat